We found the older CAT ET SIS 2019 version quite frankly a little buggy. The Caterpillar SIS parts searches were either painfully slow or CAT SIS would just hang, freeze be brutally slow! And in some cases you would get the dreaded CAT ET SIS license has expired or “Not allowed to connect to an ECM on the data link. This program is not licensed.”
The newer CAT ET SIS 2020 Version frankly is the most stable version we have ever used. So if you are pulling your hair out with one of these older versions… have faith the new 2020 if installed correctly works like a charm!
If you want the Toughest laptop on the globe installed with the latest CAT ET SIS 2018 then look no further our units come ready to PLUG & PLAY! It frankly can be a real hassle for a non-tech to install the software, drivers, setup, etc… Our Toughbook + CAT SIS ET solution is completely PLUG & PLAY! 60 day Money Back Guarantee + 6 month warranty