Problem((Quote from http://bmwcoders.com/forum/)
I am new to using rheingold 3.43. so im working on a e46 and i discouvered that the dme was burnt
so i got a new one and i want to code it to work with the ews, so when i go onto the coding application on rheingold it says vehicle voltage is under the threshold of 13 volts and it ends the session
so basically i cant code anything . i put in a new battery and its doing the same thing. please help
If the voltage is under 13v, coding function not available
Change battery can not solve this problem either
You need to connect external power supply like Automotive Programming Dedicated Power 14V/100A for Audi/VW/Benz/BMW
Or MST-80 Auto Voltage Regulator Diagnostic Tool For GT1/OPS/ICOM Programming User-Friendly