Why need upgrade ICOM firmware?
To run ICOM A2 A1 with the newest ISTA-D Rheingold 3.49.30 ISTA-P 55.4.000, user is required to update firmware to the newest version.
Current SYSTEM IMAGE version: 01.24.00
Current APPLICATION IMAGE version: 01.38.01
Which version of ICOM the upgrade files and steps apply to?
The following upgrade guide applies to both perfect vesion ICOM A2 and common version ICOM A1 A2. UOBD2 identify them via item NO.
Perfect vesion ICOM A: item NO SP168-BA and SP168-BO
Common version ICOM A1, A2: item NO SP168-C, SP168-B, SP168 and SP168-D
All BMW ICOM list: http://www.uobd2.net/producttags/bmw-icom_p2.html
ICOM upgrade firmware steps:
YouTube Video demo: https://youtu.be/E5mLaZq__YM
- Perfect ICOM A1 A2 fw 01.38 / 01.24 free download at:
- Please connect super ICOM A2 with computer using internet cable, and supply power for super ICOM A2 using 12V power adapter or by connecting with BMW.
- Unzip perfect ICOM A1 A2 fw 1.38 upgrade files.
- Use Network cable to connect perfect version BMW ICOM A2 with computer, supply power for ICOM A2 with 12V power adapter or connect ICOM A2 with the BMW vehicle.
- Open IE Internet Explorer, enter address, log in with username/password: root/NZY1150263
OS: to upgrade common version ICOM A2 A1, browse and the next steps are the same.
- Click “Update Firmware”, you will see ICOM firmware version information.
- Click “Browse” to select file “ICOM-BootImage-01-24-
- When it pops up “Write the image file to the flash?”, click “Yes”, then ICOM indicator light will turn red.
- When it pops up “The SYSTEM IMAGE update was successful”, click “Update Firmware”.
- Choose “ICOM-ApplicationImage-01-38-01.bin”, set image type as “APPLICATION”, click “Send the file”, it will spend several minutes since the file is a little bit large.
- When it pops up “Write the image file to the flash?” click “Yes”, then the ICOM indicator light will turn red for the second times.
- When it finish upgrading, click “reboot”.
- Click “Home” – “Update Firmware”, you will find ICOM A2 firmware update to the newest version:
Current SYSTEM IMAGE version: 01.24.00
Current APPLICATION IMAGE version: 01.38.01
Additional Note:
Please be sure your computer is to obtain IP address automatically.