The cheapest diagnostic tool CDP+ Diagnostic Tool
Now there is newest verson of CDP+ Diagnostic Tool is in the market. It is 2013.03 version .it with dongle without activation.
We find that theDelphi ds 150Support Languages: English, Cesky, Dansk, Deutsch, Espanol, Francais, Greek, Hollands, Hungarian, Italiano, Norsk, Polish, Romania, Russian, Srpski, Suomenkieli, Svenska, Turkish.
When you install its software .please pay attention to TURN OFF your internet connection.
A total of 37 different brands. The diagnostic program GENERIC is designed for the legislation based diagnostics, specially targeted for emission related fault codes. GENERIC is included in CARS and TRUCKS packages.
The CDP is a diagnostic tool used with a PC or Pocket PC and DS150 powerful CARS Diagnostic software, making it a powerful and flexible tool for all vehicle shops, fleet owners, vehicle testing, road service, police and armed forces.
AutoCOM CDP is a quick and reliable diagnostic tool serving as a link between vehicle and computer. It works on both old and new vehicles.
Simply connect DS150 to the diagnostic socket in the vehicle and it will communicate with the diagnostic software installed on your PC.
With CARS, you are able to perform brand specific diagnostics for cars and light vans from 1988 onwards. A total of 47 different brands. With TRUCKS software package, you are able to perform brand specific diagnostics for light and heavy commercial vehicles, buses and trailers from 1995 onwards.